It’s a truism that speculative fiction tells the reader more about the present it was written in than about the future – a fact born out yet again by two pieces of this week’s reading.
If this fact is more evident in Ernest Callenbach’s 1975 novel Ecotopia than it is in the “Ecopolis” articles in this week’s New Scientist (17/06/2006) then that only reveals our blindness to the conventions of our own time.
Ecotopia the pungent reek of the early Seventies issues from
practically every page. The fashions, the sexual politics, the marijuana
usage – all speak of a particular hippy moment and now tend to detract
from the deeper intention of the book to present a vision of a
sustainable society. It’s easy now to fault Callenbach for this, but
equally easy to see how important it was for him to present some vision
of how a change in social mores could parallel and allow a change in the
wider society. For me personally a degree of uneasiness was brought on
by the louche promiscuity of Callenbach’s utopia. I’m prepared to accept
that this could just be my hang-up – but it also seemed wrapped up in a
vision of liberated womanhood more to do with male fantasy than female
emancipation. The admirable intention of presenting a more feminine
society, female leadership and sexual equality felt somewhat tainted by
the air of a free-wheeling Lothario who really ‘understands’ and ‘digs’
women. Again, perhaps these are just my hang-ups.
If I’ve gone on at length about these aspects of the book that didn’t gel with me, that’s only to
precede my declaration that I felt pretty down with most of the rest of
its vision. Ignoring the conceit of the Pacific North West seceding
from the USA, much of the novel seemed to present a realistic vision of a future society.

is interesting comparing Ecotopia and Ecopolis are the similarities of
vision presented 31 years apart (that very little has been implemented
across the span of most of my entire life thus far - which that 31 years
also personally represents - is rather depressing.)
The proposed new Chinese suburb-city of Dongtan
is pedestrianised with electric vehicles, trains, urban greenery, urban
food production, mass recycling and alternative energy generation. Not
at all dissimilar to Ecotopia’s San Francisco.
Peer a little deeper however and the cracks appear – both in the
divergence of Ecotopian and Ecopolitan visions – and in the sustainable
vision of Dongtan per se.
Dongtan is a new build – an entirely new satellite city for Shanghai “20 minutes drive” away. It is thus a very different beast to the retro-fitted San Francisco
in Ecotopia. In this way the city sized debate mirrors the eco-home
debate. One can start from scratch and build a brand new eco-home to the
highest standards possible – but not everyone can do this. Our existing
buildings also represent decades if not centuries of embodied energy
that we are likely to waste (which we can ill afford) if we reject them,
demolish them to build anew. If we could do it all, we could only do so
by exploiting even more excessive amounts of the global energy supply
–and this vision is clearly not sustainable on a local or global scale.
We must follow a more earthy path of converting our existing housing
stock to greater sustainability – retro fitting.
the great credit of New Scientist it makes a critical analysis of
Dongtan’s eco-credibility. The Dongtan vision proposed as a possible
model for China’s
future cities aims for a per-resident carbon footprint of 2.2 ha. This
both exceeds the current footprint of the rural Chinese population (1.6
ha) that are migrating to become the new city dwellers (thus increasing
China’s total footprint) and the “idealised global per capita footprint”
(1.8ha – based on 2006 population levels). Dongtan is therefore not as
bad as our conventional cities – but does not present in itself a
sustainable vision. We could perhaps hope that developments like Dongtan
will be bridging solutions to ever more sustainable implementations –
but would we be correct in doing so? Retrofitting Shanghai for sustainability may have been a more useful activity. In fact, given that so much of Shanghai
is itself new-build, one wonders where the true vision for
sustainability lies. That Dongtan is perceived as having value as a
tourist attraction perhaps indicates something of its showcase function.
The ecological problems faced by China
will inevitably lead them towards some lower energy solutions, and the
world can usefully benefit by learning from them. But will China put sustainability before growth? If it does not, can anything it does be truly sustainable?
is a steady-state economy that has sloughed off the demon driver of
‘growth’ – that totemic bugbear of capitalism eating away the world like
a necrotic virus. It is the vision of capitalism, its modus operandi
and belief systems which are the contemporary conventions permeating the
speculations of Ecopolis. We can only hope that 31 years hence those
seem as amusing and of their time as some of Callenbach’s seventies-ism.
Otherwise we are well and truly screwed.
[Originally published on the Yourmindfire blog:]
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